The United Nations Has Recommended A Ban On Myanmar
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Andrew Thomas, the UN's human rights investigator in Myanmar, said today that the UN Security Council should immediately impose financial, military, and travel sanctions on Myanmar. In his words, “We have got this evidence from various reports and pictures. The use of firearms at the behest of the army to stop the protests in the last few days. The police did. Which is contrary to international law. My proposal in this situation is an immediate embargo against Myanmar's military authorities.
Afterward, the same message was given by British Foreign Secretary Rob. He also said that he had publicly demanded the return of fair democracy to Myanmar since the news of the coup. The Joe Biden administration in the United States is one step ahead. The United States has already cut 1 billion in military aid. They have warned of even bigger sanctions against military officials if they do not return to democracy in Myanmar. Mr. Hu, Myanmar's ambassador to the UN, said he was coordinating with ASEAN countries and the UN. In his words, “None of us want to be an obstacle in the democratic transformation of the country. ”
Despite the pro-democracy protests and non-cooperation movement continuing, the army has ordered the immediate return of doctors, teachers, and other government workers to the country. But they did not return to work, and the NLD - led by Aung San Suu Kyi - is marching every day to demand the release of the remaining imprisoned leaders. Yang mandala - several clashes with protesters raejai on police matters. Thousands of people have taken to the streets in protest of the UNESCO-declared Heritage City Garden. Social media is now full of pictures and videos of the protests. The army, however, announced the release of 23,000 prisoners today. But it did not allay the anger of the people. A large section of the common people of the country wants to continue the movement against military rule.
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